Over the years and mentoring women I have often gotten the question or the remarks they just don't have the time. Or they can't figure out when they will be able to have their Jesus time. As much as I get it being a mom of 5 and a wife this can't be your crutch or justification. Jesus wants to meet with you on a daily basis and be invited into every part of your life including being a mom and wife. Today I am hoping you will find some practical tips on how to carve out devotion time for yourself. Remember moms you can't pour from something you don't have. Being a mom and a wife takes a lot of work and leading from the Holy Spirit. I've always told people that I have had a spirit led parenting role. There were things I did unconventional, but were some of the most effective ways. It all came from my time with the Lord and sitting at the feet of Jesus. I will start with when my kids were just babies and littles. I woke up early before them or stayed up later tha...