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 Welcome to my blog. My name is Juanita Espinosa. I am a certified Holistic Health and Wellness Coach. I am also a certified Life Coach. I coach women mostly how to live a life on a plant based diet, and to reverse their hormones specifically with PCOS, and sugar balancing. I live in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma with my sweet family where we have been since August 2015. It's home to us right now. 

For years God has pressed it upon my heart to write a blog dedicated to biblical wisdom, scripture and revelations for Women. I have really dreaded it and even pushed back, because I thought I had to have it all perfect. The perfect site, the perfect time, launching, and it had to look a certain way. 

Over the past year God has shown me it doesn't have to be perfect I just have to start. In the past month God has been leading me more and more away from social media especially Facebook. I don't worry how this will get into the hands of others, because I know God is infinite and will deliver it to the right people in the right time. So if you are reading this know that you have been prayed for, and God needed you to see something in this for this moment. I like to call them Esther moments. 

So a little bit about me. First before anything else I am a daughter of the King. I love Jesus with all my heart and soul. He rescued me out of the pits of hell and ultimate destruction. I will share bits and pieces of my story and and my full testimony soon. 

Next I am a wife to my sweet husband of 16 years. We met when we both were not Christians and have learned to navigate togetherness, unity and marriage through our salvation. This is part of my testimony. The way God molded me, and used my marriage to bring me closer to him. Not always in the best of ways, and I failed a lot. One thing for sure is Jesus is always there. The last sentence of the last verse of the last chapter of Matthew it's his promise to us. He says he is always there with us, now and until the end of age. 

Lastly I am a mom to 5 beautiful children that have been mostly homeschooled. 3 girls and 2 boys. They have been a huge part of my life and my world. Raising them hasn't always been easy and I am still raising them. That's motherhood. You never stop being a mom to them. You will always pray for them, love them and care for them. My oldest has moved out of our house and the next one will be our 16 year old son. I'm truly convinced my younger 3 may take a lot longer before the flee the next. One thing I have assurance and hope in is that the seeds I've sown and the time I've sown into them will not be done in vain. Situations, and people will come across their paths and water those seeds. My prayers I have prayed and continuously have done go out for eternity and don't ever come back void. These are the promises I have stood on and still stand on for all of my children. I will share some practical tips through this blog on what I have learned over the years. 

My hope and prayer through this blog you will become closer to being a Women of Purpose. A Christian Women of intentionality and living out your life exactly who God has designed you to be. I shared a couple different parts of what I do, but sister let me tell you that is not who I am. My full identity, purpose, and call is in HIM...In Jesus alone. I honor my husband and the positions or the things I am called to do, but it is not where my identity lies. Through this blog you will see that. You will see how you are worth so much more and you are worthy of a everything God created you to be. 

Now that you know a little bit about me. Tell me about you. Tell me do we have anything in common? Are there certain topics you want to seem blog on feel free to comment below and I will be happy to share my thoughts on it. 
